Craig Turp-Balazs: Brexit does not have to mean the end of the UK’s relationship with emerging Europe
Jonathan Lis: In Its Search for Sovereignty, Britain has Defaulted to a Dangerous Sovereign
Tom Scott: The disinformation pandemic
Kenny MacAskill: Why the ‘Nasty Party’ Tories are showing no shame
Max Hastings: How Delusions About World War II Fed Brexit Mania
John Crace: To predict government policy, listen to Boris and wait for the opposite
Cliff Taylor: We know Brexit will cost Ireland – but it brings big opportunities too
Andy Bodle: 69 dumb-fuck reasons for leaving the EU
Katherine Butler: 2021: Football, flights and food: how the EU reshaped Britain
Anthony Robinson: 2021: Brexit’s groundhog year
Jens Cardinaels: 'Mijn vrachtwagens rijden niet langer naar Engeland'
Anthony Robinson: UK government sets out the benefits of the single market
Jonathan Freedland: Could Britain rejoin the EU? It seems like a hopelessly lost cause – but so did leaving
David Edgerton: The one good thing to come out of Brexit: a bonfire of national illusions
Fintan O'Toole: A ridiculous swagger
The Guardian view of Brexit: a tragic national error
Larry Elliott: The left must stop mourning Brexit – and start seeing its huge potential
Jon Henley: View from the EU: Britain 'taken over by gamblers, liars, clowns and their cheerleaders'
Jane Neville: “Look after our star” says North East for Europe
Ashitha Nagesh: Brexit: Couples therapists' guide to the break-up
Jonathan Powell: 5 reasons the UK failed in Brexit talks
Liam Byrne: This Brexit deal is a long way from perfect – but Labour is right to vote for it
Why this is a bad Brexit deal – and what we need to do to limit the damage
Charles Grant: Ten reflections on a sovereignty-first Brexit
Andrea Mammone: Can the UK move on from Brexit? As a European, I find that very hard to believe
Moving beyond the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement
John Lichfield: Never mind Brexit. Britain and France are condemned to work together
Tom Hayes: #Brexit and the story of Paddy’s Two Rules
Nikolaus Blome: Wut statt Wehmut
James Hawes: A brief history of Brexit – all 2,000 years of it
Chris Johns: Can we draw a final line under the sorry mess that was Brexit? Fat chance
Lionising Boris Johnson
Fintan O’Toole: So long, we’ll miss you – we Europeans see how much you’ve helped to shape us
The Observer view on the Brexit trade deal
David Henig: UK-EU Trade Deal Winners and Losers
John Harris: Throughout history Britain’s ruling class has created crisis after crisis – just like now
'Plans ruined and job opportunities lost': Freedom of movement ends as Brexit reality dawns for Britons across Europe
Helen Davidson: 'Christmas gift' or 'bad timing'? Brexit deal greeted with joy and foreboding around world
Tom Kibasi: At long last we have a Brexit deal – and it's as bad as you thought
Thomas Spickhofen: Kein anderer hat den Deal so gebraucht
Faisal Islam: What Boris Johnson's mistake tells us about our future
Marja Makarow: Switzerland was sent into scientific exile. No deal could mean the same for Britain
Jon Henley: World's media ask how it went so wrong for 'Plague Island' Britain
Thomas Scripps: Still no deal in Brexit talks as working class faces catastrophe
Jameson Berkow: Why Canada has the upper hand in pending U.K. trade talks
Adrian Zorzut: BBC News host gives global audience sobering analysis of Brexit and Covid-19 chaos facing UK
Patrick Cockburn: Johnson and his government are too incompetent and ignorant to deliver radical change post Brexit
Lisa O'Carroll: Britain not ready for no deal, says Brexit select committee
Tom Peck: As things stand, Brexiteers have got what they always wanted
Fintan O'Toole: Ireland should go along with fiction that UK's Brexit damage limitation is victory
A gem of a story about Tory corruption from the NY Times
Anthony Robinson: Is Lord Frost responsible for the chill descending over the trade talks?
David Oyelowo: Nowhere on Earth has been better at covering up racism than Great Britain
Tom Swarbrick. Kevin Rudd and LBC: Brexit “Australian-style”
Polly Toynbee: For Boris Johnson, self-interest is always first. That's why he'll do a Brexit deal
Lisa O'Carroll: Brexit will hit UK economy like a 'slow puncture'
Sean O'Grady: Boris Johnson is about to bring back the worst deal in history – it takes a special kind of talent to do that
Giles Tremlett: An EU travel ban for Britons brings home the sad reality of Brexit
Michael Heseltine: Brexit is the worst decision of modern times. Why are its critics in cabinet so silent?
Joe Mayes and Kitty Donaldson: With Tories at His Back, Boris Johnson Can’t Cave In on Brexit
Martin Fletcher: A year on, the UK has paid an appalling price for Boris Johnson’s election victory
Jon Henley: The EU's red lines were clear in 2016
Aude Martin: UK’s north-south divide will worsen outside the EU
Jonathan Freedland: Britain faces a no-deal crash-out: even ultra-Brexiters said this would be a disaster
Andy Brown: The nation awaits as Johnson decides what’s best for Johnson
John Crace: Mordaunt goes through the looking-glass and down a rabbit hole
Aditya Chakrabortty: Brexit was never a grassroots movement, but an elitist political takeover
The Tory Sovereignty Fetish
Lee Rotherham: Boris must keep the EU at arm’s length – or he’ll regret it
Sean O'Grady: There’s no doubt Brexit will be terrible – but we have to make the best of a bad job
Madeleina Kay: ‘Brexit and Covid-19 left me feeling trapped on this island’
Zoe Williams: We have realised too late the abstract and concrete realities of Brexit can't be reconciled
George Monbiot: Brexit stems from a civil war in capitalism – we are all just collateral damage
Anand Menon and Jill Rutter: As we close in on a Brexit that pleases next to nobody, how did we end up here?
Yvonne Wancke: “Don’t risk it for a few fish”: demo at Nissan as crunch Brexit talks continue
Jack Peat: Remainers are being blamed for the Brexit mess – good job we kept the receipts
Joe Mayes: The Cost of Failure: What’s at Stake If Brexit Talks Founder
Marina Hyde: Only an idiot would claim the vaccine triumph was a vindication of Brexit
Lisa O'Carroll: Are small businesses really ready for Brexit?
Fact Check: Brexit did not speed up UK vaccine authorisation
Henry Goodwin: ‘Turkeys regret voting for Christmas’: Expats fume at Brexit travel rules
Anthony Robinson: Bait and switch: how Gove sold Brexit to Britain
Chris Morris: Brexit: Will the borders be ready?
Polly Toynbee: Boris Johnson will get a deal: but it will be a betrayal of the Brexiters
Ian Dunt and Robert Tombs: Brexit: A Conversation Across the Divide
Nicholas Westcott: A peculiar definition of sovereignty is the root cause of a failed Brexit
Andrew Anthony: Fear and loathing in Dover, where Brexit and Covid meet
Denis MacShane: Will Labour become Brexit's little helpers?
Alistair Burt: Brexit need not mean turning away from Europe
Andy Brown: A broken budget and a delusional chancellor
Rafael Behr: Johnson looks worn down, but the 'Boris effect' may yet return
Luisa Cheshire: Brexit food shortage fears a reality
Ailbhe Rea: How will Labour vote on a possible Brexit deal?
Adrian Zorzut: David Davis made centre of Brexit jokes following Vodafone rant
Isabelle Scherer: Vivre à Londres au temps du Brexit
Brexit Reality And The Ship Jumpers
Jamie Doward: British ski workers ‘set to lose seasonal jobs’ after Brexit
The Observer view on the role of 'global Britain'
Nick Cohen: Invoking a fantasy Winston Churchill won’t help as Brexit becomes grim reality
Aude Martin - Alternatives économiques (Paris) / Harry Bowden: “Global Britain” struggles to materialise
Peter Oborne: How Brexit and Biden fuelled chaos inside Downing Street
Sadie Parker: Ending free movement – the Brexiteer shibboleth that assaults our freedom, prosperity & security
Rafael Behr: It was always lost on Brexiteers – but the EU is fundamentally about peace
George Monbiot: The British government's first disaster of 2021? A food shortage
Adrian Zorzut: Former senior Tory politician warns Britons of Brexit 'hidden evils'
Dominic Cummings departure means ‘Brexit sell-out’, says Nigel Farage
Anthony Robinson: Brexit Britain is already a vassal state
The Observer view on the departure of Dominic Cummings
Will Hutton: Is Britain really about to embrace chaos and misery for the sake of Brexit dogma?
Toby Helm and Michael Savage: Nightmare on Downing Street
Aude Martin - Alternatives économiques (Paris): ‘The EU is facing a dilemma from which it will emerge weakened’
Jon Stone: Dominic Cummings: Damaging legacy of ‘unelected bureaucrat’ will take years to undo, says Guy Verhofstadt
Anthony Robinson: As we enter the Brexit end game what do people think about it?
Luke McGee: Johnson has mismanaged Covid, Brexit and the economy. Now his inner circle is falling out
The Guardian view on the Downing Street machine: unfit for Brexit
TruePublica Editor: From Broken Britain to Broken Kingdom
Monica Horten: Border safety will be at risk if the UK loses access to vital EU databases
Therese Raphael, Bloomberg: Boris Johnson has a serious Joe Biden problem on Brexit
Rafael Behr: Deal or no deal on Brexit, Boris Johnson's only care is that no one blames him
Lisa O'Carroll: What does Biden’s win mean for Brexit?
Christopher Pitchers & Efi Koutsokosta: Biden win strengthens EU's hand in post-Brexit trade deal talks, says German MEP Manfred Weber
Rob Merrick: Brexit: US firms to gain access to Britons’ personal data via Japan trade deal, campaigners warn
Polly Toynbee: With Biden elected, a no-deal Brexit would make Britain a pariah. It can't happen
Sam McBride: An experienced freight industry figure has said that he is “panicking” over the looming Irish Sea border – which a leaked document reveals will be far harder than admitted.
Jack Peat: Reaction as Priti Patel confirms the end to freedom of movement
Ronan McGreevy, Vivienne Clarke: Biden win should focus British minds on Brexit strategy, says Coveney
Jill Rutter and Anand Menon: Who killed soft Brexit?
Simon Jenkins: Boris Johnson has to stop playing games and agree a deal with Europe
Biden, BoJo, and Brexit
Kenny Campbell: Warnings ignored – so now the best Johnson can do is make things worse
Biden, BoJo, and Brexit
Roger Casale: They come to bury the European Convention on Human Rights, not to praise it
Lisa O'Carroll: UK will struggle to deal with Brexit alongside Covid, says think tank
Katrine Bussey: Brexit will be ‘crisis of UK Government making’, Michael Gove is told
Mark Steel: If Trump loses, it won’t take long for us to wake up to who Boris Johnson really was all along
Anthony Robinson: Brexit is about to be brutally mugged by reality
Amanda Robinson: No-deal Brexit may be best for Boris, but not for Britain
Richard North: Brexit: it ain’t all bad
Adrian Zorzut: Joe Biden win could force Boris Johnson to water down Brexit bill
Sadie Parker: Why we should all care about the betrayal of British farmers
Will de Freitas: The Conversation: Why the UK should stop talking tough on a no-deal Brexit
Denis MacShane: Ten reasons why Boris Johnson will back down and do a deal
Andrew Rawnsley: A Joe Biden White House will have little time and less love for ‘Britain’s Trump’
Daniel Boffey: With the Brexit walkout and sulk over, is the UK on the home straight for a deal?
Anthony Robinson: Think no-deal is bad? A deal will not be much better
Martin Kettle: Boris Johnson's refusal to seek compromise will be his undoing
Marina Hyde: Why worry about no-deal Brexit? If Gove says it'll be fine that's good enough for me
Alan Hope: UK will lose 37% of foreign investment after Brexit
End of talks 'hugely concerning' for farmers
Carissa Véliz: You've heard of tax havens. After Brexit, the UK could become a 'data haven'
Nigel Morris: Johnson steels UK for no-deal Brexit — but EU leaders suspect it’s brinkmanship in trade talks wrangle
Anthony Robinson: UK fishing: out of the frying pan into the fire
Sarah Wolff: Why Brexit will increase migrant Channel crossings
Dave Clark with Alice Ritchie in London: Brexit strategy risks UK 'dictatorship', says ex-president of supreme court
Jane Thomas: Bordering on the ridiculous
Gina Miller: Boris Johnson is using the Covid crisis as a pretext for a power grab
Denis MacShane: 11 reasons why Boris Johnson will be bounced into securing a Brexit deal
Anthony Robinson: EU “to call Johnson’s bluff”
William Keegan: Rishi Sunak cannot become a statesman if he remains a Brexiter
Emily Horner: The North’s enthusiasm for Brexit is on the wane
Michael E. Burke: Trump’s troubling abandonment of Northern Ireland
Chris Grey: The theatricals of 'deal or no deal' are a distraction
Rob Davidson: Our Japanese trade deal – the first proof of a poorer Britain after Brexit
Anthony Robinson: Gove travels to Brussels to begin the climb down
Hugo Gye: Britain must abandon EU rules in post-Brexit trade deal with Brussels, Liz Truss claims as she dismisses chlorinated chicken fears
Yorkshire Bylines: The “taking back control” slogan is starting to wear thin
Simon Jack: The battered North East firms not ready for Brexit
Tony Connelly: Brexit: A tangle of high wire deadlines and ultimatums
Kath Dalmeny, Sustain: Government says it has no duty to secure food supplies in a no-deal Brexit (nor any other crisis)
Fay Schopen: The majority of people in Kent voted leave – but not to leave the UK
The Guardian view on new Brexit borders: the price of political fraud
Ronan Cormacain: The United Kingdom Internal Market Bill and Breach of Domestic Law
Benjamin Fox : ‘Profound antagonism’ will follow ‘no deal’ on post-Brexit trade, thinktank warns
Martin Howe QC : Why UK law must prevail over the EU Withdrawal Agreement
Polly Toynbee : Boris Johnson is delaying the inevitable again – and watching as Covid-19 surges
Larry Elliott : Covid means UK needs EU deal to avoid calamity, says Lord O'Donnell
Professor Catherine Barnard : No-deal Brexit: can the UK be trusted?
Brian Milne : A few thousand, that’s all
Rafael Behr: Keir Starmer is refusing to play Downing Street's game. So far, it's working
Joe Mellor: Brexit: ‘Britannia has waived the rules’ & lit a ‘bonfire under hard-won rights’
Heather Stewart: Boris Johnson's Brexit bill straight out of Trump playbook, David Lammy says
Andrew Rawnsley: Why Boris Johnson is constantly surprised when his government fails
William Keegan: Cummings’s state aid is scarcely a substitute for EU trade
Nick Cohen: The meritocracy has had its day. How else to explain the rise of Dido Harding?
Jonathan Freedland: This Brexit government’s ignorance is steering us towards disaster’
Suzanne Lynch: Joe Biden warns Britain the Belfast Agreement cannot become ‘casualty of Brexit’
Rafael Behr: Boris Johnson's Brexit has always been a swindle. Now Ireland will pay the price
Beth Rigby: What is really behind the PM's Brexit move?
John Crace Ed Miliband revels in making Boris Johnson look like a second-rate conman
Chris Johns: EU should let Johnson-Cummings Brexit psychodrama play out
Jay Elwes: The self-interested man
Andrew Rawnsley: The escalating delinquency of Boris Johnson and his gang of blue anarchists
Marina Hyde: The Tories' biggest trick? Convincing the world they have a cunning plan
Tom Kibasi: Brexit is the stage on which Boris Johnson acts out his theatre of provocation
Fintan O’Toole: Boris Johnson's 'oven-ready' Brexit had a secret footnote: we'll rehash it later
George Monbiot: If you think the UK isn't corrupt, you haven't looked hard enough
Ulf Schmidt: Higher education in the UK is morally bankrupt. I’m taking my family and my research millions, and I’m off
Jennifer Rankin: Brexit talks: why the wrangles over state aid?
Rafael Behr: The days could be numbered for Boris Johnson's Trump tribute act
Zoe Williams: Brexit feeds on discord, so don't fight it – work to bring down this government
The Observer view on Boris Johnson's disastrous path to a Covid-19 Brexit
Simon Coveney: itain’s ‘emotional’ nationalism risks a no-deal, Irish foreign minister warns
Michael Hindley: Is there a way back to the EU?
Martin Kettle: Boris Johnson is floundering, and his majority may not save him
Rachel Reeves: The Clock Is Ticking On Brexit. So Where's That Oven-Ready Deal?
Marion Van Renterghem: Michel Barnier he will ‘never yield’ to Brexiteers attempting to ‘destroy’ the EU
Sean O'Grady: Talk of tax rises is one thing – but we are in denial about the damage our economy faces
Mark Steel: There was no boycott over ‘Rule, Britannia’ at Royal Ascot. But let’s keep singing it anyway, just in case
Adam Payne: Boris Johnson's new Brexit trade adviser is former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who has been labeled an 'offensive, climate-change-denying, Trump-worshipping misogynist
William Keegan: Johnson must be mad if he thinks Britain can afford a no-deal Brexit
Martin Ivens: Boris Johnson's Toxic Inheritance From Margaret Thatcher
Zoe Williams: My blue passport has arrived – and with it a crushing new sense of our Brexit
Sylvia Zamperini: Why I cannot leave the UK…
Denis MacShane: What kind of Brexit will we get? Boris Johnson has 10 options to ponder before the end of the year
David Parsley: Brexit transition: Thousands of UK businesses could be barred from trading in EU
Ndéla Faye: I’m Leaving Britain, In The Middle Of A Pandemic, Because Of Brexit
Hugo Gye: Boris Johnson’s next Tory rebellion could be on Brexit as Eurosceptic MPs wake up to the true nature of withdrawal agreement
Mark Landler: U.K. Officials’ New Trump Dilemma: What if He Loses?
Simon Chater: Ignorance, Coronavirus, Brexit and Honesty: reflections on Camus’ ‘La Peste’
Toby Helm: Brexit fuels brain drain as skilled Britons head to the EU
Martin Fletcher: By using “Remainer” as an insult, Boris Johnson shows he has no interest in reuniting the country
Julia Horowitz: Boris Johnson's dream of a 'Global Britain' is turning into a nightmare
Marina Hyde: Get set for the next round of Britain's Brexit brinkmanship
John Crace: Boris is the emperor with no clothes and it’s not a pretty sight
Martin Kettle: The Russia report reveals that MI5 and MI6 have lost their way
Julia Horowitz: Could the United Kingdom become an emerging market?
Alan Crawford, Archana Chaudhary and Kait Bolongaro: Boris Johnson’s Global Britain Collides With Global Reality
Simon Jack: Brexit: Get ready because this time it’s for real
Rafael Behr: Brexit was meant to make Britain global. It has made us friendless
George Monbiot: When secret coronavirus contracts are awarded without competition, it's deadly serious
John Crace: Gove delivers a lorry load of oven-ready Brexit with no ingredients
Lloyd Hardy: Why Brexit Happened
The Guardian view on Brexit and trade: an expensive geography lesson
Fintan O’Toole : The fatal delusions of Boris Johnson
Denis Staunton: The abrupt end to Brexit talks is not only surprising but perplexing
Jonathan Freedland: Amid the havoc wreaked by coronavirus, there is another danger we've forgotten
Caroline Lucas: The last chance to save us from a no-deal Brexit has now slipped by. Here’s what we lost today
Daniel Boffey: EU parliament leader: Boris Johnson seems unwilling to find compromise in Brexit talks
Ben Chu: Pound sterling as unstable as developing country currency due to Brexit, say analysts
Jonathon Read: Pollster reveals ‘pivotal’ moment UK appeared to start showing Brexit regret
Jonathan Lis: The Brexit vote four years on: How a project to boost prosperity, democracy and national pride destroyed all three
Anthony Robinson: Dover-Calais and the chaos to come
William Keegan: Battered Britain is in no state to withstand a no-deal Brexit
Andrew Rawnsley: Even Tories increasingly fear they have inflicted the worst of all worlds on Britain
Katy Balls: The latest Tory party split? It's Waitrose Conservatives versus Lidl free marketeers
Anthony Robinson: Dover-Calais and the chaos to come
Anthony Robinson: CBI: British firms “not remotely prepared” for no-deal “hammer blow”
George Monbiot: Boris Johnson's US trade deal will make Britain a paradise for disaster capitalists
Jane Dalton: Boris Johnson is dropping his promise not to import chlorinated chicken after Brexit. The welfare of animals has been sold off
Emily Beament: Pandemic exposes UK food dependency
Paul Mason: Brexit: deaths, more deaths … and no-deal calculations
Nick Cohen: The lethal combination of Brexit and Covid
George Monbiot: Tory privatisation is at the heart of the UK's disastrous coronavirus response
Brexit returns as major headache for the pound
Rafael Behr: The harder reality gets for Johnson, the tighter he clings to Brexit fantasy
Nick Cohen: Cummings and Johnson evil geniuses? Hardly, just lazy and incompetent
Ivor Gaber: Having made it to the top Boris Johnson is now stumped
Marina Hyde: The truth about why Cummings hasn't gone: Johnson is too terrified to sack him
John Crace: Boris Johnson sacrifices top scientific advisers on altar of Classic Dom
Benedict Spence: Boris Johnson cannot afford to let go of Dominic Cummings now – it would be the end of his premiership
Chaminda Jayanetti: The failure of Cummings' British culture war
Alan Finlayson: In Cummings’ mind, clever people break the rules. The rest of us follow them
James Brownsell: Brexit changed immigrant perceptions for the better: Study
Daniel Trilling: The new immigration rules are not really about Brexit. They're about ripping off workers
Dominic Cummings – a cover story obscuring something far darker
John Crace: Regrets? St Dom had a few, but then again too few to mention
Ben Glaze & Dan Bloom: Tory 'hypocrites' clap for care workers while launching immigration crackdown
Philip Stephens: British exceptionalism has reached the end of the road
Angus Robertson: Brexit’s back, and the threat it poses is greater than ever
Simon Tisdall: Covid-19: isolated and alone, Britain has become the sick man of Europe
‘Foretaste’ of Brexit: Virus cuts off much of UK farm labor - Washington Post
Jack Peat: Starmer is setting an ideological trap for the Conservatives
João Vale de Almeida and 27 EU diplomats to the UK: This Europe Day we send a message of solidarity and friendship to British people
Paul Gillespie: Why contrasting ideas on sovereignty are feeding distrust between EU and UK
Kieren McCarthy: UK finds itself almost alone with centralized virus contact-tracing app that probably won't work well, asks for your location, may be illegal
Stephen Castle and Mark Landler: Britain Is Sticking to Brexit Plans Despite Virus Upheaval
Nick Cohen: The British charlatan style has been sent packing by too much reality
Professor Chris Grey: Coronavirus and Brexit: The connections and their consequences.
Afua Hirsch: In the UK, white immigration is an asset – while everyone else is undesirable
Jonathan Calvert, George Arbuthnott and Jonathan Leake: Coronavirus: 38 days when Britain sleepwalked into disaster
Bell Ribeiro-Addy: The UK is in denial about its post-coronavirus status in the world. Former colonies won’t need us, we’ll need them
Rowena Mason and Lisa O'Carroll: No 10 accused of putting 'Brexit over breathing' in Covid-19 ventilator row
‘We are in serious trouble’: The other crisis – our food supply
William Keegan: The coronavirus outbreak has made the budget irrelevant
Marina Hyde: When Johnson says we'll turn the tide in 12 weeks, it's just another line for the side of a bus
Michael Savage: Coronavirus sparks calls to extend EU transition period
Martin McKee, Anniek de Ruijter and Mark Flear: Brexit threatens UK’s ability to respond to a future pandemic
Jack Peat: The Telegraph’s ‘20 reasons to vote leave’ has resurfaced – and it makes for some depressing reading
Ian McConnell: Johnson Brexit stance well worth the watching even when focus rightly on coronavirus
Jonathan Lis: The next Labour leader must hold the Tories to account over Brexit
Bettina Schulz,: British Hypocrisy
Sofie Hagen: I love the UK and would like to stay (please). But you need a few lessons on being Danish
Holly Eva Ryan: Brexit has made town twinning a battleground - but it's always been political
Rafael Behr: Boris Johnson’s bluster on Brexit is about to face reality
Alasdair Fotheringham: Brexit-voting expats in Spain wake up to a future of change
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: ‘Right-wingers are using the language of fairness and liberalism to limit free speech
Leo Cendrowicz: ‘The UK has changed. It has become hostile and closed’: EU citizens in Brussels react to Priti Patel's new immigration scheme
Ian Birrell: Priti Patel's immigration strategy terrifies families like mine who need EU carers
John Crace: Condescension, false humility, divisiveness – welcome to Mikeyworld
John Crace: Priti Patel's ineptitude is exactly what Boris admires in her
Will Hutton: Johnson’s Brexit flunkey sums up all that’s wrong with his master’s trade fantasies
The Observer view on the government’s immigration plans
Lisa O'Carroll: UK reneging on Northern Ireland pledges risks trade deals with US and EU’
Vincent Wood: BBC’s David Dimbleby attacks ‘liar’ Boris Johnson and says PM is ‘apeing Trump’
Paul Mason: Boris Johnson’s government is a permanent campaign – the left must change to defeat it
Rachel Wearmouth: The UK Is Holding 'Highly Secret Trade Talks' With Unnamed Countries
Maya Goodfellow: There’s nothing ‘sensible’ about Priti Patel’s heartless immigration proposal
Sean O'Grady: After years of insisting otherwise, the government just revealed it actually wants no-deal Brexit
Sue Wilson: The post-Brexit cabinet reshuffle does little to reassure Brits in Europe
Andrea Carlo European citizens warn of post-Brexit discrimination
Tom Peck: Dominic Cummings’ empire is crumbling, and taking us all down with it
Tony Connelly: EU and UK are poles apart on the Irish Protocol
Marina Hyde: Dominic Cummings has started to believe he’s cool. What can you say but, ‘Ooooh’?
Do Brits really deserve associate EU citizenship?
Mandeep Rai: Brexit has revealed a divide that's here to stay
John Crace: Javid's self-worth wasn't part of the plan for Cummi– sorry, Johnson
Polly Toynbee: This revenge reshuffle has a dangerous message: absolute power resides in No 10
Jane Merrick: Boris Johnson made Sajid Javid an offer he had to refuse - keep your job, but none of the power
Darragh Roche: Britain should watch Ireland’s election closely. The Union could depend on it
Peter Oborne: Boris Johnson is leading a revolution, and this time it's coming from the right
William Keegan: Brexit is a crisis, not an opportunity. But we’ll see that too late
James Wilsdon: For science, Brexit isn't done yet
Andrew Grice: I’ve spent 40 years reporting from Westminster. I’ve never seen anything like this before
Andrew Glencross: The UK can still rejoin the EU
Brexit Shambles: Downing St in Full Control
Simon Allison and Peter Mandelson: What went wrong? Two leading Remainers on how the movement to stop Brexit failed
Christine Fuchs, After 40 years in Britain, I have to justify being here
Joe Horgan: WELL goodbye then, England. And Wales. And Scotland. And Northern Ireland.
Anne Applebaum: After Brexit, New Identity Crises Await the U.K.
Simon Jenkins: Boris Johnson’s ‘global talent visa’ ignores economics – and ethics
Will Hutton: Remainers aren’t going to vanish on 31 January. We fight on, sure of our cause
Joe Mellor: Don’t ‘rub our noses in it’, remainer Heseltine urges Johnson
Ian Dunt: No compromise as Johnson drives through the most brutal Brexit imaginable
Emilio Casalicchio: Brexit Britain faces the gunboats
Ian Dunt: Brexit 2020: Everything you need to know about Boris Johnson's trade deal nightmare
Nolan Jazimreg: Brexit Timeline: Key events that led to David Cameron’s decision to hold the EU referendum
David Conn: Many in the north backed Brexit. They will soon begin to feel the costs
John Crace: Useful fall guy': a preview of Boris Johnson's minister ratings.
Jonathan Lis: In Its Search for Sovereignty, Britain has Defaulted to a Dangerous Sovereign
Tom Scott: The disinformation pandemic
Kenny MacAskill: Why the ‘Nasty Party’ Tories are showing no shame
Max Hastings: How Delusions About World War II Fed Brexit Mania
John Crace: To predict government policy, listen to Boris and wait for the opposite
Cliff Taylor: We know Brexit will cost Ireland – but it brings big opportunities too
Andy Bodle: 69 dumb-fuck reasons for leaving the EU
Katherine Butler: 2021: Football, flights and food: how the EU reshaped Britain
Anthony Robinson: 2021: Brexit’s groundhog year
Jens Cardinaels: 'Mijn vrachtwagens rijden niet langer naar Engeland'
Anthony Robinson: UK government sets out the benefits of the single market
Jonathan Freedland: Could Britain rejoin the EU? It seems like a hopelessly lost cause – but so did leaving
David Edgerton: The one good thing to come out of Brexit: a bonfire of national illusions
Fintan O'Toole: A ridiculous swagger
The Guardian view of Brexit: a tragic national error
Larry Elliott: The left must stop mourning Brexit – and start seeing its huge potential
Jon Henley: View from the EU: Britain 'taken over by gamblers, liars, clowns and their cheerleaders'
Jane Neville: “Look after our star” says North East for Europe
Ashitha Nagesh: Brexit: Couples therapists' guide to the break-up
Jonathan Powell: 5 reasons the UK failed in Brexit talks
Liam Byrne: This Brexit deal is a long way from perfect – but Labour is right to vote for it
Why this is a bad Brexit deal – and what we need to do to limit the damage
Charles Grant: Ten reflections on a sovereignty-first Brexit
Andrea Mammone: Can the UK move on from Brexit? As a European, I find that very hard to believe
Moving beyond the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement
John Lichfield: Never mind Brexit. Britain and France are condemned to work together
Tom Hayes: #Brexit and the story of Paddy’s Two Rules
Nikolaus Blome: Wut statt Wehmut
James Hawes: A brief history of Brexit – all 2,000 years of it
Chris Johns: Can we draw a final line under the sorry mess that was Brexit? Fat chance
Lionising Boris Johnson
Fintan O’Toole: So long, we’ll miss you – we Europeans see how much you’ve helped to shape us
The Observer view on the Brexit trade deal
David Henig: UK-EU Trade Deal Winners and Losers
John Harris: Throughout history Britain’s ruling class has created crisis after crisis – just like now
'Plans ruined and job opportunities lost': Freedom of movement ends as Brexit reality dawns for Britons across Europe
Helen Davidson: 'Christmas gift' or 'bad timing'? Brexit deal greeted with joy and foreboding around world
Tom Kibasi: At long last we have a Brexit deal – and it's as bad as you thought
Thomas Spickhofen: Kein anderer hat den Deal so gebraucht
Faisal Islam: What Boris Johnson's mistake tells us about our future
Marja Makarow: Switzerland was sent into scientific exile. No deal could mean the same for Britain
Jon Henley: World's media ask how it went so wrong for 'Plague Island' Britain
Thomas Scripps: Still no deal in Brexit talks as working class faces catastrophe
Jameson Berkow: Why Canada has the upper hand in pending U.K. trade talks
Adrian Zorzut: BBC News host gives global audience sobering analysis of Brexit and Covid-19 chaos facing UK
Patrick Cockburn: Johnson and his government are too incompetent and ignorant to deliver radical change post Brexit
Lisa O'Carroll: Britain not ready for no deal, says Brexit select committee
Tom Peck: As things stand, Brexiteers have got what they always wanted
Fintan O'Toole: Ireland should go along with fiction that UK's Brexit damage limitation is victory
A gem of a story about Tory corruption from the NY Times
Anthony Robinson: Is Lord Frost responsible for the chill descending over the trade talks?
David Oyelowo: Nowhere on Earth has been better at covering up racism than Great Britain
Tom Swarbrick. Kevin Rudd and LBC: Brexit “Australian-style”
Polly Toynbee: For Boris Johnson, self-interest is always first. That's why he'll do a Brexit deal
Lisa O'Carroll: Brexit will hit UK economy like a 'slow puncture'
Sean O'Grady: Boris Johnson is about to bring back the worst deal in history – it takes a special kind of talent to do that
Giles Tremlett: An EU travel ban for Britons brings home the sad reality of Brexit
Michael Heseltine: Brexit is the worst decision of modern times. Why are its critics in cabinet so silent?
Joe Mayes and Kitty Donaldson: With Tories at His Back, Boris Johnson Can’t Cave In on Brexit
Martin Fletcher: A year on, the UK has paid an appalling price for Boris Johnson’s election victory
Jon Henley: The EU's red lines were clear in 2016
Aude Martin: UK’s north-south divide will worsen outside the EU
Jonathan Freedland: Britain faces a no-deal crash-out: even ultra-Brexiters said this would be a disaster
Andy Brown: The nation awaits as Johnson decides what’s best for Johnson
John Crace: Mordaunt goes through the looking-glass and down a rabbit hole
Aditya Chakrabortty: Brexit was never a grassroots movement, but an elitist political takeover
The Tory Sovereignty Fetish
Lee Rotherham: Boris must keep the EU at arm’s length – or he’ll regret it
Sean O'Grady: There’s no doubt Brexit will be terrible – but we have to make the best of a bad job
Madeleina Kay: ‘Brexit and Covid-19 left me feeling trapped on this island’
Zoe Williams: We have realised too late the abstract and concrete realities of Brexit can't be reconciled
George Monbiot: Brexit stems from a civil war in capitalism – we are all just collateral damage
Anand Menon and Jill Rutter: As we close in on a Brexit that pleases next to nobody, how did we end up here?
Yvonne Wancke: “Don’t risk it for a few fish”: demo at Nissan as crunch Brexit talks continue
Jack Peat: Remainers are being blamed for the Brexit mess – good job we kept the receipts
Joe Mayes: The Cost of Failure: What’s at Stake If Brexit Talks Founder
Marina Hyde: Only an idiot would claim the vaccine triumph was a vindication of Brexit
Lisa O'Carroll: Are small businesses really ready for Brexit?
Fact Check: Brexit did not speed up UK vaccine authorisation
Henry Goodwin: ‘Turkeys regret voting for Christmas’: Expats fume at Brexit travel rules
Anthony Robinson: Bait and switch: how Gove sold Brexit to Britain
Chris Morris: Brexit: Will the borders be ready?
Polly Toynbee: Boris Johnson will get a deal: but it will be a betrayal of the Brexiters
Ian Dunt and Robert Tombs: Brexit: A Conversation Across the Divide
Nicholas Westcott: A peculiar definition of sovereignty is the root cause of a failed Brexit
Andrew Anthony: Fear and loathing in Dover, where Brexit and Covid meet
Denis MacShane: Will Labour become Brexit's little helpers?
Alistair Burt: Brexit need not mean turning away from Europe
Andy Brown: A broken budget and a delusional chancellor
Rafael Behr: Johnson looks worn down, but the 'Boris effect' may yet return
Luisa Cheshire: Brexit food shortage fears a reality
Ailbhe Rea: How will Labour vote on a possible Brexit deal?
Adrian Zorzut: David Davis made centre of Brexit jokes following Vodafone rant
Isabelle Scherer: Vivre à Londres au temps du Brexit
Brexit Reality And The Ship Jumpers
Jamie Doward: British ski workers ‘set to lose seasonal jobs’ after Brexit
The Observer view on the role of 'global Britain'
Nick Cohen: Invoking a fantasy Winston Churchill won’t help as Brexit becomes grim reality
Aude Martin - Alternatives économiques (Paris) / Harry Bowden: “Global Britain” struggles to materialise
Peter Oborne: How Brexit and Biden fuelled chaos inside Downing Street
Sadie Parker: Ending free movement – the Brexiteer shibboleth that assaults our freedom, prosperity & security
Rafael Behr: It was always lost on Brexiteers – but the EU is fundamentally about peace
George Monbiot: The British government's first disaster of 2021? A food shortage
Adrian Zorzut: Former senior Tory politician warns Britons of Brexit 'hidden evils'
Dominic Cummings departure means ‘Brexit sell-out’, says Nigel Farage
Anthony Robinson: Brexit Britain is already a vassal state
The Observer view on the departure of Dominic Cummings
Will Hutton: Is Britain really about to embrace chaos and misery for the sake of Brexit dogma?
Toby Helm and Michael Savage: Nightmare on Downing Street
Aude Martin - Alternatives économiques (Paris): ‘The EU is facing a dilemma from which it will emerge weakened’
Jon Stone: Dominic Cummings: Damaging legacy of ‘unelected bureaucrat’ will take years to undo, says Guy Verhofstadt
Anthony Robinson: As we enter the Brexit end game what do people think about it?
Luke McGee: Johnson has mismanaged Covid, Brexit and the economy. Now his inner circle is falling out
The Guardian view on the Downing Street machine: unfit for Brexit
TruePublica Editor: From Broken Britain to Broken Kingdom
Monica Horten: Border safety will be at risk if the UK loses access to vital EU databases
Therese Raphael, Bloomberg: Boris Johnson has a serious Joe Biden problem on Brexit
Rafael Behr: Deal or no deal on Brexit, Boris Johnson's only care is that no one blames him
Lisa O'Carroll: What does Biden’s win mean for Brexit?
Christopher Pitchers & Efi Koutsokosta: Biden win strengthens EU's hand in post-Brexit trade deal talks, says German MEP Manfred Weber
Rob Merrick: Brexit: US firms to gain access to Britons’ personal data via Japan trade deal, campaigners warn
Polly Toynbee: With Biden elected, a no-deal Brexit would make Britain a pariah. It can't happen
Sam McBride: An experienced freight industry figure has said that he is “panicking” over the looming Irish Sea border – which a leaked document reveals will be far harder than admitted.
Jack Peat: Reaction as Priti Patel confirms the end to freedom of movement
Ronan McGreevy, Vivienne Clarke: Biden win should focus British minds on Brexit strategy, says Coveney
Jill Rutter and Anand Menon: Who killed soft Brexit?
Simon Jenkins: Boris Johnson has to stop playing games and agree a deal with Europe
Biden, BoJo, and Brexit
Kenny Campbell: Warnings ignored – so now the best Johnson can do is make things worse
Biden, BoJo, and Brexit
Roger Casale: They come to bury the European Convention on Human Rights, not to praise it
Lisa O'Carroll: UK will struggle to deal with Brexit alongside Covid, says think tank
Katrine Bussey: Brexit will be ‘crisis of UK Government making’, Michael Gove is told
Mark Steel: If Trump loses, it won’t take long for us to wake up to who Boris Johnson really was all along
Anthony Robinson: Brexit is about to be brutally mugged by reality
Amanda Robinson: No-deal Brexit may be best for Boris, but not for Britain
Richard North: Brexit: it ain’t all bad
Adrian Zorzut: Joe Biden win could force Boris Johnson to water down Brexit bill
Sadie Parker: Why we should all care about the betrayal of British farmers
Will de Freitas: The Conversation: Why the UK should stop talking tough on a no-deal Brexit
Denis MacShane: Ten reasons why Boris Johnson will back down and do a deal
Andrew Rawnsley: A Joe Biden White House will have little time and less love for ‘Britain’s Trump’
Daniel Boffey: With the Brexit walkout and sulk over, is the UK on the home straight for a deal?
Anthony Robinson: Think no-deal is bad? A deal will not be much better
Martin Kettle: Boris Johnson's refusal to seek compromise will be his undoing
Marina Hyde: Why worry about no-deal Brexit? If Gove says it'll be fine that's good enough for me
Alan Hope: UK will lose 37% of foreign investment after Brexit
End of talks 'hugely concerning' for farmers
Carissa Véliz: You've heard of tax havens. After Brexit, the UK could become a 'data haven'
Nigel Morris: Johnson steels UK for no-deal Brexit — but EU leaders suspect it’s brinkmanship in trade talks wrangle
Anthony Robinson: UK fishing: out of the frying pan into the fire
Sarah Wolff: Why Brexit will increase migrant Channel crossings
Dave Clark with Alice Ritchie in London: Brexit strategy risks UK 'dictatorship', says ex-president of supreme court
Jane Thomas: Bordering on the ridiculous
Gina Miller: Boris Johnson is using the Covid crisis as a pretext for a power grab
Denis MacShane: 11 reasons why Boris Johnson will be bounced into securing a Brexit deal
Anthony Robinson: EU “to call Johnson’s bluff”
William Keegan: Rishi Sunak cannot become a statesman if he remains a Brexiter
Emily Horner: The North’s enthusiasm for Brexit is on the wane
Michael E. Burke: Trump’s troubling abandonment of Northern Ireland
Chris Grey: The theatricals of 'deal or no deal' are a distraction
Rob Davidson: Our Japanese trade deal – the first proof of a poorer Britain after Brexit
Anthony Robinson: Gove travels to Brussels to begin the climb down
Hugo Gye: Britain must abandon EU rules in post-Brexit trade deal with Brussels, Liz Truss claims as she dismisses chlorinated chicken fears
Yorkshire Bylines: The “taking back control” slogan is starting to wear thin
Simon Jack: The battered North East firms not ready for Brexit
Tony Connelly: Brexit: A tangle of high wire deadlines and ultimatums
Kath Dalmeny, Sustain: Government says it has no duty to secure food supplies in a no-deal Brexit (nor any other crisis)
Fay Schopen: The majority of people in Kent voted leave – but not to leave the UK
The Guardian view on new Brexit borders: the price of political fraud
Ronan Cormacain: The United Kingdom Internal Market Bill and Breach of Domestic Law
Benjamin Fox : ‘Profound antagonism’ will follow ‘no deal’ on post-Brexit trade, thinktank warns
Martin Howe QC : Why UK law must prevail over the EU Withdrawal Agreement
Polly Toynbee : Boris Johnson is delaying the inevitable again – and watching as Covid-19 surges
Larry Elliott : Covid means UK needs EU deal to avoid calamity, says Lord O'Donnell
Professor Catherine Barnard : No-deal Brexit: can the UK be trusted?
Brian Milne : A few thousand, that’s all
Rafael Behr: Keir Starmer is refusing to play Downing Street's game. So far, it's working
Joe Mellor: Brexit: ‘Britannia has waived the rules’ & lit a ‘bonfire under hard-won rights’
Heather Stewart: Boris Johnson's Brexit bill straight out of Trump playbook, David Lammy says
Andrew Rawnsley: Why Boris Johnson is constantly surprised when his government fails
William Keegan: Cummings’s state aid is scarcely a substitute for EU trade
Nick Cohen: The meritocracy has had its day. How else to explain the rise of Dido Harding?
Jonathan Freedland: This Brexit government’s ignorance is steering us towards disaster’
Suzanne Lynch: Joe Biden warns Britain the Belfast Agreement cannot become ‘casualty of Brexit’
Rafael Behr: Boris Johnson's Brexit has always been a swindle. Now Ireland will pay the price
Beth Rigby: What is really behind the PM's Brexit move?
John Crace Ed Miliband revels in making Boris Johnson look like a second-rate conman
Chris Johns: EU should let Johnson-Cummings Brexit psychodrama play out
Jay Elwes: The self-interested man
Andrew Rawnsley: The escalating delinquency of Boris Johnson and his gang of blue anarchists
Marina Hyde: The Tories' biggest trick? Convincing the world they have a cunning plan
Tom Kibasi: Brexit is the stage on which Boris Johnson acts out his theatre of provocation
Fintan O’Toole: Boris Johnson's 'oven-ready' Brexit had a secret footnote: we'll rehash it later
George Monbiot: If you think the UK isn't corrupt, you haven't looked hard enough
Ulf Schmidt: Higher education in the UK is morally bankrupt. I’m taking my family and my research millions, and I’m off
Jennifer Rankin: Brexit talks: why the wrangles over state aid?
Rafael Behr: The days could be numbered for Boris Johnson's Trump tribute act
Zoe Williams: Brexit feeds on discord, so don't fight it – work to bring down this government
The Observer view on Boris Johnson's disastrous path to a Covid-19 Brexit
Simon Coveney: itain’s ‘emotional’ nationalism risks a no-deal, Irish foreign minister warns
Michael Hindley: Is there a way back to the EU?
Martin Kettle: Boris Johnson is floundering, and his majority may not save him
Rachel Reeves: The Clock Is Ticking On Brexit. So Where's That Oven-Ready Deal?
Marion Van Renterghem: Michel Barnier he will ‘never yield’ to Brexiteers attempting to ‘destroy’ the EU
Sean O'Grady: Talk of tax rises is one thing – but we are in denial about the damage our economy faces
Mark Steel: There was no boycott over ‘Rule, Britannia’ at Royal Ascot. But let’s keep singing it anyway, just in case
Adam Payne: Boris Johnson's new Brexit trade adviser is former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who has been labeled an 'offensive, climate-change-denying, Trump-worshipping misogynist
William Keegan: Johnson must be mad if he thinks Britain can afford a no-deal Brexit
Martin Ivens: Boris Johnson's Toxic Inheritance From Margaret Thatcher
Zoe Williams: My blue passport has arrived – and with it a crushing new sense of our Brexit
Sylvia Zamperini: Why I cannot leave the UK…
Denis MacShane: What kind of Brexit will we get? Boris Johnson has 10 options to ponder before the end of the year
David Parsley: Brexit transition: Thousands of UK businesses could be barred from trading in EU
Ndéla Faye: I’m Leaving Britain, In The Middle Of A Pandemic, Because Of Brexit
Hugo Gye: Boris Johnson’s next Tory rebellion could be on Brexit as Eurosceptic MPs wake up to the true nature of withdrawal agreement
Mark Landler: U.K. Officials’ New Trump Dilemma: What if He Loses?
Simon Chater: Ignorance, Coronavirus, Brexit and Honesty: reflections on Camus’ ‘La Peste’
Toby Helm: Brexit fuels brain drain as skilled Britons head to the EU
Martin Fletcher: By using “Remainer” as an insult, Boris Johnson shows he has no interest in reuniting the country
Julia Horowitz: Boris Johnson's dream of a 'Global Britain' is turning into a nightmare
Marina Hyde: Get set for the next round of Britain's Brexit brinkmanship
John Crace: Boris is the emperor with no clothes and it’s not a pretty sight
Martin Kettle: The Russia report reveals that MI5 and MI6 have lost their way
Julia Horowitz: Could the United Kingdom become an emerging market?
Alan Crawford, Archana Chaudhary and Kait Bolongaro: Boris Johnson’s Global Britain Collides With Global Reality
Simon Jack: Brexit: Get ready because this time it’s for real
Rafael Behr: Brexit was meant to make Britain global. It has made us friendless
George Monbiot: When secret coronavirus contracts are awarded without competition, it's deadly serious
John Crace: Gove delivers a lorry load of oven-ready Brexit with no ingredients
Lloyd Hardy: Why Brexit Happened
The Guardian view on Brexit and trade: an expensive geography lesson
Fintan O’Toole : The fatal delusions of Boris Johnson
Denis Staunton: The abrupt end to Brexit talks is not only surprising but perplexing
Jonathan Freedland: Amid the havoc wreaked by coronavirus, there is another danger we've forgotten
Caroline Lucas: The last chance to save us from a no-deal Brexit has now slipped by. Here’s what we lost today
Daniel Boffey: EU parliament leader: Boris Johnson seems unwilling to find compromise in Brexit talks
Ben Chu: Pound sterling as unstable as developing country currency due to Brexit, say analysts
Jonathon Read: Pollster reveals ‘pivotal’ moment UK appeared to start showing Brexit regret
Jonathan Lis: The Brexit vote four years on: How a project to boost prosperity, democracy and national pride destroyed all three
Anthony Robinson: Dover-Calais and the chaos to come
William Keegan: Battered Britain is in no state to withstand a no-deal Brexit
Andrew Rawnsley: Even Tories increasingly fear they have inflicted the worst of all worlds on Britain
Katy Balls: The latest Tory party split? It's Waitrose Conservatives versus Lidl free marketeers
Anthony Robinson: Dover-Calais and the chaos to come
Anthony Robinson: CBI: British firms “not remotely prepared” for no-deal “hammer blow”
George Monbiot: Boris Johnson's US trade deal will make Britain a paradise for disaster capitalists
Jane Dalton: Boris Johnson is dropping his promise not to import chlorinated chicken after Brexit. The welfare of animals has been sold off
Emily Beament: Pandemic exposes UK food dependency
Paul Mason: Brexit: deaths, more deaths … and no-deal calculations
Nick Cohen: The lethal combination of Brexit and Covid
George Monbiot: Tory privatisation is at the heart of the UK's disastrous coronavirus response
Brexit returns as major headache for the pound
Rafael Behr: The harder reality gets for Johnson, the tighter he clings to Brexit fantasy
Nick Cohen: Cummings and Johnson evil geniuses? Hardly, just lazy and incompetent
Ivor Gaber: Having made it to the top Boris Johnson is now stumped
Marina Hyde: The truth about why Cummings hasn't gone: Johnson is too terrified to sack him
John Crace: Boris Johnson sacrifices top scientific advisers on altar of Classic Dom
Benedict Spence: Boris Johnson cannot afford to let go of Dominic Cummings now – it would be the end of his premiership
Chaminda Jayanetti: The failure of Cummings' British culture war
Alan Finlayson: In Cummings’ mind, clever people break the rules. The rest of us follow them
James Brownsell: Brexit changed immigrant perceptions for the better: Study
Daniel Trilling: The new immigration rules are not really about Brexit. They're about ripping off workers
Dominic Cummings – a cover story obscuring something far darker
John Crace: Regrets? St Dom had a few, but then again too few to mention
Ben Glaze & Dan Bloom: Tory 'hypocrites' clap for care workers while launching immigration crackdown
Philip Stephens: British exceptionalism has reached the end of the road
Angus Robertson: Brexit’s back, and the threat it poses is greater than ever
Simon Tisdall: Covid-19: isolated and alone, Britain has become the sick man of Europe
‘Foretaste’ of Brexit: Virus cuts off much of UK farm labor - Washington Post
Jack Peat: Starmer is setting an ideological trap for the Conservatives
João Vale de Almeida and 27 EU diplomats to the UK: This Europe Day we send a message of solidarity and friendship to British people
Paul Gillespie: Why contrasting ideas on sovereignty are feeding distrust between EU and UK
Kieren McCarthy: UK finds itself almost alone with centralized virus contact-tracing app that probably won't work well, asks for your location, may be illegal
Stephen Castle and Mark Landler: Britain Is Sticking to Brexit Plans Despite Virus Upheaval
Nick Cohen: The British charlatan style has been sent packing by too much reality
Professor Chris Grey: Coronavirus and Brexit: The connections and their consequences.
Afua Hirsch: In the UK, white immigration is an asset – while everyone else is undesirable
Jonathan Calvert, George Arbuthnott and Jonathan Leake: Coronavirus: 38 days when Britain sleepwalked into disaster
Bell Ribeiro-Addy: The UK is in denial about its post-coronavirus status in the world. Former colonies won’t need us, we’ll need them
Rowena Mason and Lisa O'Carroll: No 10 accused of putting 'Brexit over breathing' in Covid-19 ventilator row
‘We are in serious trouble’: The other crisis – our food supply
William Keegan: The coronavirus outbreak has made the budget irrelevant
Marina Hyde: When Johnson says we'll turn the tide in 12 weeks, it's just another line for the side of a bus
Michael Savage: Coronavirus sparks calls to extend EU transition period
Martin McKee, Anniek de Ruijter and Mark Flear: Brexit threatens UK’s ability to respond to a future pandemic
Jack Peat: The Telegraph’s ‘20 reasons to vote leave’ has resurfaced – and it makes for some depressing reading
Ian McConnell: Johnson Brexit stance well worth the watching even when focus rightly on coronavirus
Jonathan Lis: The next Labour leader must hold the Tories to account over Brexit
Bettina Schulz,: British Hypocrisy
Sofie Hagen: I love the UK and would like to stay (please). But you need a few lessons on being Danish
Holly Eva Ryan: Brexit has made town twinning a battleground - but it's always been political
Rafael Behr: Boris Johnson’s bluster on Brexit is about to face reality
Alasdair Fotheringham: Brexit-voting expats in Spain wake up to a future of change
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: ‘Right-wingers are using the language of fairness and liberalism to limit free speech
Leo Cendrowicz: ‘The UK has changed. It has become hostile and closed’: EU citizens in Brussels react to Priti Patel's new immigration scheme
Ian Birrell: Priti Patel's immigration strategy terrifies families like mine who need EU carers
John Crace: Condescension, false humility, divisiveness – welcome to Mikeyworld
John Crace: Priti Patel's ineptitude is exactly what Boris admires in her
Will Hutton: Johnson’s Brexit flunkey sums up all that’s wrong with his master’s trade fantasies
The Observer view on the government’s immigration plans
Lisa O'Carroll: UK reneging on Northern Ireland pledges risks trade deals with US and EU’
Vincent Wood: BBC’s David Dimbleby attacks ‘liar’ Boris Johnson and says PM is ‘apeing Trump’
Paul Mason: Boris Johnson’s government is a permanent campaign – the left must change to defeat it
Rachel Wearmouth: The UK Is Holding 'Highly Secret Trade Talks' With Unnamed Countries
Maya Goodfellow: There’s nothing ‘sensible’ about Priti Patel’s heartless immigration proposal
Sean O'Grady: After years of insisting otherwise, the government just revealed it actually wants no-deal Brexit
Sue Wilson: The post-Brexit cabinet reshuffle does little to reassure Brits in Europe
Andrea Carlo European citizens warn of post-Brexit discrimination
Tom Peck: Dominic Cummings’ empire is crumbling, and taking us all down with it
Tony Connelly: EU and UK are poles apart on the Irish Protocol
Marina Hyde: Dominic Cummings has started to believe he’s cool. What can you say but, ‘Ooooh’?
Do Brits really deserve associate EU citizenship?
Mandeep Rai: Brexit has revealed a divide that's here to stay
John Crace: Javid's self-worth wasn't part of the plan for Cummi– sorry, Johnson
Polly Toynbee: This revenge reshuffle has a dangerous message: absolute power resides in No 10
Jane Merrick: Boris Johnson made Sajid Javid an offer he had to refuse - keep your job, but none of the power
Darragh Roche: Britain should watch Ireland’s election closely. The Union could depend on it
Peter Oborne: Boris Johnson is leading a revolution, and this time it's coming from the right
William Keegan: Brexit is a crisis, not an opportunity. But we’ll see that too late
James Wilsdon: For science, Brexit isn't done yet
Andrew Grice: I’ve spent 40 years reporting from Westminster. I’ve never seen anything like this before
Andrew Glencross: The UK can still rejoin the EU
Brexit Shambles: Downing St in Full Control
Simon Allison and Peter Mandelson: What went wrong? Two leading Remainers on how the movement to stop Brexit failed
Christine Fuchs, After 40 years in Britain, I have to justify being here
Joe Horgan: WELL goodbye then, England. And Wales. And Scotland. And Northern Ireland.
Anne Applebaum: After Brexit, New Identity Crises Await the U.K.
Simon Jenkins: Boris Johnson’s ‘global talent visa’ ignores economics – and ethics
Will Hutton: Remainers aren’t going to vanish on 31 January. We fight on, sure of our cause
Joe Mellor: Don’t ‘rub our noses in it’, remainer Heseltine urges Johnson
Ian Dunt: No compromise as Johnson drives through the most brutal Brexit imaginable
Emilio Casalicchio: Brexit Britain faces the gunboats
Ian Dunt: Brexit 2020: Everything you need to know about Boris Johnson's trade deal nightmare
Nolan Jazimreg: Brexit Timeline: Key events that led to David Cameron’s decision to hold the EU referendum
David Conn: Many in the north backed Brexit. They will soon begin to feel the costs
John Crace: Useful fall guy': a preview of Boris Johnson's minister ratings.